Stone Fox

Monday, July 26, 2010

Chapter 5 Response

In Chapter 5, everyone is advising Little Willy to sell the farm in order to pay the $500 in taxes. When he asked Grandpa about selling the farm, Grandpa doesn't respond. Do you think Grandpa wants Little Willy to sell the farm? Why or why not?


  1. no becuse he wants willy to win the dog race with searchlight

  2. no garndfarter wants keep the farm.he thinks little willy will win.

  3. Greg said...

    I don't think grampa wants to sell the farm. If they sell the farm where would they live?

  4. No because Grandpa has faith in little Willy to pay off the five hundred dollars. Tommy

  5. Steven Long said...

    No, I do not think Grandpa wants Willy to sell the farm. Grandpa would show a down hand to tell Willy no!

    I think that Grandpa will die if Willy does not pay off the taxes and keep the farm. Grandpa will die because if he does not have the farm he is on the streets with no where to live.
